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Our Curriculum
Play-Based Learning
Through various forms of art, children learn self-expression and creative thinking. We integrate art as a part of our curriculum and give children the opportunity to create art in throughout the week in new and engaging ways.
Celebrating Diversity
Exposing children to diversity at an early age is essential in regards to creating tolerance and cultural sensitivity. Your child will be exposed to different cultures and different types of families through our learning materials in such a way that celebrates our differences and creates acceptance.
Through movement activities children engage with their world while strengthening their physical growth. We integrate gross motor and fine motor activities into our curriculum throughout the week to support your child's growth in these areas.
Music touches on many areas of development , including intellectual, social-emotional, motor, and language. We expose children to music on a daily basis during our dedicated music and movement time. Children will be exposed to live music, play instruments, learn engaging and age-appropriate songs, and listen to various genres of music.
Outside Exploration
Outdoor play plays a vital role in childhood and is generally adds to life-long health as your child ages into adulthood. Our program firmly believes in the importance of spending time outdoors and teaching children an appreciation for nature. Each day your child will have the opportunity to play in the mud kitchen, dig in the sandbox, watch the birds and butterflies, and water flowers and vegetables in the garden.
Children develop language rapidly from birth to age 5. Some key aspects of language and literacy that our program aims to support include: receptive and expressive language, phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, early writing, and book appreciation.
Children learn basic math concepts through everyday play and through integration into planned lessons. Our program aims to support your child's understanding of basic geometry (shape recognition, parts and wholes), number recognition, counting, quantities, linear and size relationships, and spatial relationships.
Science in the classroom setting gives children the opportunity to develop new skills, including patience, communication, and critical thinking. Using the children's natural curiosity and love for discovery, our program implements hands on science experiments and activities.