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 Currently Accepting Applications

(ages 2-5)


Enrolling can be up to a 4 year commitment, as such, our program works hard to ensure that we are the right fit for the children and families we serve. Our enrollment process is as follows:


  • Tour the facility with your child

  • Parent Q&A

  • Parent interview


If during the tour or parent interview it appears the program's education philosophy does not blend with the family's, referrals to other programs may be made. 

For more information call



  • What are your hours?
    Curriculum hours are 8:00am-1:00pm Monday-Friday. My program offers 5 days, 3 days, and 2 days program options.
  • What ages do you accept?
    In order to provide a high quality preschool learning environment, our program accepts children 2 and older.
  • What does play-based mean?
    Play-based is far from leaving a child to their own devices. A play-based approach involves child-initiated and teacher-supported learning. The educator encourages learning and inquiry through engaging with children and creating opportunities that's goal is to stratch their thinking to higher levels. Many child development theorists and foundational thinkings have recognized the importance of play and building on the child's interests, such as Piaget, Montessori, and Greenspan. Through intentional play and a purposefully designed environment, children can develop social and cognitive skills, gain confidence and independence, and mature emotionally.
  • What days are you closed?
    Our program closes for all major holidays. We do also close for 3 weeks out of the year, which typically falls into three chunks (one week in spring, summer, and winter). Our program believes it is important for children to have time to unwind and recharge with their families--just as adults need time away, children need that same time. A holiday calendar will be given to families upon enrollment and may be requested on tours.
  • How many children do you have?
    The number of children enrolled is dependent by licensing standards and subject to change depending on the ages of the children enrolled. Parents may refer to up to date Title 22 Small Family Child Care Homes may be licensed for up to 8 children, exact numbers will vary based on the ages of the children in my care. Large Family Child Care Homes may be licensed for up to 14 children.
  • How do I apply for Financial Aid?
    Income qualified families may submit an application through San Diego county here:

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